***VISIT OUR NEW BOUTIQUE 'MISS OPULENCE' presented by SFH DESIGNS - Shop 139B Oxford St, Bulimba, BRISBANE QLD 4171 - Opening Hours: Wednesday to Sunday 10am to 3pm
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    'Luxe Resort' Fashion Parade by Pink Pineapple with SFH Designs

    'Luxe Resort' Fashion Parade by Pink Pineapple with SFH Designs

    Come join us at for the launch of Fashion Label Pink Pineapple's 'Luxe Resort' Collection with SFH Designs. A complimentary glass of sparkling wine on arrival and a fabulous afternoon with the girls!!
    Michelle Potts (Pink Pineapple) works sustainably with vintage fabrics and each piece is lovingly handmade in Brisbane, QLD.
    Location: out the front of SFH Designs Boutique, Cnr of Moray & Merthyr Rd, New Farm 4005.
    When: Sunday 18th April 2021, 2pm to 4pm (parade at 3pm).
    COVIDSAFE regulations apply.

    Backing Business with AAMI Business Insurance

    Backing Business with AAMI Business Insurance

    So lucky to have been chosen by @aami_insurance to be part of their #AAMIBackingBuiness Campaign. It has been wonderful to have such amazing support from AAMI. We hope you enjoy our SFH Designs - AAMI Backing Business TV Commercial and look out for us on your TV screens now until December 12th! 
    @sfhdesignsboutique  Cnr of Moray St and Merthyr Rd, New Farm QLD 4005.